1 | KfW (Germany) | 26 | Credit Suisse (Switzerland) |
2 | Caisse des Depots et Consignations (CDC) (France) | 27 | Nordea (Sweden) |
3 | Bank Nederlandse Gemeenten (Netherlands) | 28 | Caja de Ahorros y Pensiones de Barcelona (Spain) |
4 | Zuercher Kantonalbank (Switzerland) | 29 | Svenska Handelsbanken (Sweden) |
5 | Landwirtschaftliche Rentenbank (Germany) | 30 | BNY Mellon (United States) |
6 | Rabobank Group (Netherlands) | 31 | Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation (Singapore) |
7 | Landeskreditbank Baden-Wuerttemberg - Foerderbank (Germany) | 32 | United Overseas Bank (Singapore) |
8 | Nederlandse Waterschapsbank (Netherlands) | 33 | Pohjola Bank (Finland) |
9 | NRW.Bank (Germany) | 34 | Barclays Bank (United Kingdom) |
10 | Royal Bank of Canada (Canada) | 35 | Intesa Sanpaolo (Italy) |
11 | National Australia Bank (Australia) | 36 | Bank of Montreal (Canada) |
12 | Westpac Banking Corporation (Australia) | 37 | CIBC (Canada) |
13 | Commonwealth Bank of Australia (Australia) | 38 | National Bank Of Kuwait (Kuwait) |
14 | Banco Santander (Spain) | 39 | Deutsche Bank (Germany) |
15 | Toronto-Dominion Bank (Canada) | 40 | JPMorgan Chase (United States) |
16 | Australia and New Zealand Banking Group (Australia) | 41 | Société Générale (France) |
17 | ASB Bank (New Zealand) | 42 | Wells Fargo (United States) |
18 | BNP Paribas (France) | 43 | Banque Federative du Credit Mutuel (BFCM) (France) |
19 | HSBC Holdings (United Kingdom) | 44 | Landesbank Baden-Wuerttemberg (Germany) |
20 | Credit Agricole (France) | 45 | Credit Industriel et Commercial (CIC) (France) |
21 | Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria (BBVA) (Spain) | 46 | Nationwide Building Society (United Kingdom) |
22 | Scotiabank (Canada) | 47 | U.S. Bancorp (United States) |
23 | DBS Bank (Singapore) | 48 | Shizuoka Bank (Japan) |
24 | Banco Espanol de Credito S.A. (Banesto) (Spain) | 49 | Northern Trust (United States) |
25 | Caisse centrale Desjardins (Canada) | 50 | National Bank of Abu Dhabi (UAE) |